Any individual is a result of the interaction between their genetic heritage and the environmental influences they are exposed to. To a very profound degree you are what your parents make you.
On the journey to fulfilling our potential we should accept the good that comes from our lineage and take responsibility and accountability for our actions when determining our own path.
We have a S piritual
P hysical
I ntellectual
E motional
S ocial nature.
All these are identifiable components of our character. They interact and are inseparable. Like the spokes of a wheel or strands of a rope.
We all have spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. All human behaviour is motivated by satisfying either genuine or perceived needs (wants or desires) or driven by ego satisfaction. The dilemma facing us is differentiating between genuine needs, wants and desires and ego satisfaction.
After satisfying our basic material needs for food,shelter and clothing everything else we possess are simply accessories.
The problem is when the human ego confuses genuine needs with perceived needs (or wants or desires). Most of the problems in the world can be attributed to our egocentric and sinful nature. We each have the potential to be totally good (virtuous) or totally evil (corrupt).
Our personality is like a swinging pendulum, with each trait having the potential to swing from totally good to totally evil or somewhere between these extremes. How can we keep our personality pendulum under control and swing towards the positive and the good?
As an act of love God our creator has given us free will to choose which way we will take ourselves. Behaviour is a matter of choice. It is only by surrendering from the very depths of our soul that we can gain victory over our sinful nature. The spiritual contradiction is that we gain victory by surrender. We gain victory by seeking absolute truth that is the truth that comes from God.
Everything should be black or white, right or wrong, true or false, good or evil, but it is human nature to introduce shades of grey to justify our actions.
The pursuit of truth, with no compromise, will set us free from mankind’s genetic taint (our sinful nature).
Apathy can breed silence, silence breeds tolerance and tolerance can allow evil to flourish under the guise of political correctness. For example an adult male to have sex with a female under 16 is considered statutory rape in most countries (whether the sex is consensual or not). If that girl gets pregnant she can be counseled to have an abortion without her parents ever knowing about it.
Political correctness coupled with humanism has made moral absolutes relative to individual interpretation.
Truth Revealed
The Mystery of life, the search for wisdom and truth and a relationship with God. Since the dawn of time deep thinkers have pondered on the question “What is truth?” Unfortunately our perception of truth is filtered through the arrogant pride and thinking of man.
When Pilate asked Jesus before his crucifixion “What is truth?” Jesus never answered him. He in fact was truth personified. If Pilate had asked “Who is truth?” the answer would have been “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14.6)
The truth has always been with us but sin has separated us from knowing the truth. The truth is in fact a person in the form of Jesus Christ.
“In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John 1.1) The word is in fact Jesus Christ. “The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us full of grace and truth (John 1.14) Jesus was like a living bible.
When asked how can we know the way? Jesus answered “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me?” (John 14.6) “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32).
The Law was given to Moses but grace and truth comes from Jesus Christ (John 1.17). The third coordinate of truth is the Holy Spirit. When Jesus said “But I tell you the truth it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away the comforter will not come to you. But if I go I will send him to you.” (John 1.7) When the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth.
There are 3 coordinates of truth; the person of Jesus Christ, the Word an authoritative bible and the Holy Spirit.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. True faith lies in and is nurtured by a personal relationship with God (our loving Father) There is too much religion in this world where arrogant man tries to usurp the place of God and act as an intermediary between you and your creator.
The true church that God created is your body, it is a temple (a temple of the Holy Spirit).Your Fathers house (your body) as Jesus said should be a house of prayer. God created man. Man created and corrupted some of the institutional churches.
The corporate church has a role in teaching and fellowship but the individual must take responsibility for seeking the truth.
Knowing God is beautifully simple. You simply pray in your mind in Jesus name and go with the flow of your heart. Sometimes you get the feeling you should go somewhere, talk to someone or do something.Simply go with the flow of your heart.
That spiritual messaging can only come from 1 of 3 sources, the mind of man, from Satan or from God.
When the 3 coordinates of truth align, that is Jesus, the Word and the Holy Spirit you know it is the truth.
If you earnestly seek to know God from the very depths of your soul He will reveal himself to you through the spirit that we are all blessed with.
You send the prayers and He will choose how He wants to answer. He may answer them through someone else you meet, He may say wait. He may say no.
The messaging from God comes through the spirit to the soul to the mind to the body. Sickness and disease can be the result of spiritual pollution.
As your eyes are the window to your soul,you can pollute your spirit through what you watch.Pornography is one bad example. Spiritual pollution can also come through what you hear especially lyrics which are fatalistic and self destructive. Both these can pollute your soul, mind and body and make you mentally and physically ill. Conversely if you pollute your body with things like alcohol,drugs and cigarettes you can become mentally and spiritual ill.
There is nothing wrong with these products God created their components for a purpose it is their misuse and abuse that creates the problems. In fact the first miracle of Jesus was turning water into wine at a wedding. I believe that a lot of physical and mental illnesses is simply the result of either spiritual, mental or physical pollution.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit you should nurture and respect it. We are made in the image of God and whoever disrespects their own body (the temple of the Holy Spirit) blasphemes against God.
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